Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 3

This week has been pretty horrible.  I have had horrible, painful gas that bothers me so much all I seem to do is fuss and cry.  It gets really bad at night and nothing seems to help.  My mom has changed her diet and eliminated dairy products, we use Mylicon drops and nothing seems to help yet.

But with it being Thanksgiving week, some really exciting things have happened.

1.  My dad was home with me all week long.

2.  I met my Uncle Andrew. (Pictures to come over Christmas...I was in a lot of pain from the gas during our photo shoot)

3.  I went to my Great Aunt Rose's house for Thanksgiving and met most of the Zaruba side of the family.

4.  I also met my Great Aunt Landra and my Great Grandma.


  1. Poor little dude!!! It seems that is really common up until about 6 weeks. Some people say the gripe water works better than the drops do. Hopefully things get better soon!!!

  2. Mylicon worked great for #1 but not so great for #2. Gripe water worked wonders for her though. After a feeding and a burp, try laying his back against your chest, bend his legs and bounce him a little. It blows the gas out the other end. And six weeks is the magic number. Things will start to improve.

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