Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weeks 11-15 :)

Hmmmmm....where to start????
-Well obviously my mother has gone back to work.
-I turned three months old on February 6th.
-I stayed with Grandmas the last few weeks and have started day care a little here and there.  I absolutely love it!!!  The day care is in the classroom next to my mom's so I get to see her often :)  Tomorrow I will start day care full time.
-I had my first Valentine's day and completed my first art project for my mom and dad.
-I weigh about 18lbs. now and I am interested in EVERYTHING!!!!
-I love to stand, talk and swing.

Enjoy the pictures :)

Grouchy man on a walk with Grandma!

Drooling machine

Valentine's Day


Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 10 (1.8-1.14)

We went to the doctor for our 8 week wellness visit this week (little late due to the holidays).  I weighed in at 15lbs 5oz and 23.5in!!!!  I am a big boy.  I did okay with my shots (I think it hurt my mom more than me).  When we got home I slept most of the day.

On Wednesday morning my dad had to leave for a baseball clinic in Waco so it was just mom and I through Friday.

Here are some pictures from this week.  Enjoy:)

So sad :(

My mom figured this outfit was appropriate to wear to get my first shots.


Have a great week!!!

Weeks 8 and 9 (12.25-1.7)

Well after our busy Christmas we spent some much needed time resting.  My Grandpa's birthday was on the 28th so we had dinner at their house, but other than that we haven't really done much.  New Year's Eve Gigi and Big Daddy came over and we just stayed home and hung out.  I was just falling asleep when the fireworks started which made for an interesting night with all of us (dogs included) in one room.  My dad had to go back to work this week which was rather upsetting.  I turned two months old this week and I even take naps in my big boy bed during the day.  Enjoy the pictures.
Napping in my big boy bed!!!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week 6 and 7 (12.11-12.24)

We have been super busy around our house lately.  My dad was either home early or on Christmas vacation so we have been able to spend a lot of time together as a family.  Here are some of the things that have been going on:

-My parents are getting the hang of things and everything is much smoother.

-I am sleeping longer at night (4-5 hrs at times).

-We went to check out my daycare which I will be starting soon.

-My Uncle Andrew came in town and I got to spend some time with him.  He seems kind of scared of me :)

-I went to my first Lobo basketball game and it was super exciting.

-We went to Gigi's and Big Daddy's (my dad's parents) on Thursday, December 22nd and came home on Christmas day.  The first 24 hrs were pretty rough.  I am not use to being away from my home for long periods of time but things got better.  I really enjoyed myself.

-We went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house when we got home on Christmas day and spent the afternoon and evening spending time with them.

Here are some pictures!!!

Gigi and Big Daddy
 I feel asleep during tummy time while looking at all my new toys!

 Christmas Day

 Chunky Monkey :)
 Aiden and I at a Lobo Basketball game!

Quality time with my dad!

P.S.  I have started to smile at my mom and dad(not just in my sleep), my head control is getting much better and I have rolled on to my side from my back twice (not sure if it is a fluke or is going to continue)!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 5 (12.4-12.10)

This week I officially turned one month old on 12.6.11 :)

-I went to the doctor this week because I have a rash on my face and I grunt all the time(my mom just wanted to be safe...she really has no clue).  The doctor said I am perfectly healthy and there is nothing to worry about.  While I was there they weighed me and I am up to 11lbs. already!!!

-I also went to go visit my friend Brant that is two weeks older than me.  We didn't take any pictures though :(

Enjoy the pictures from this week :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 4 (11.27-12.3)

Since we spent last week celebrating Thanksgiving, we decided to take it easy this week.

-My dad went back to work after having a whole week off for Thanksgiving.

-He also celebrated his 31st birthday on December 2nd, which meant I got to visit with GG and Bid Daddy (I think that is what they want to be called).

-I have decided that bath time is pretty cool and that crying is not necessary during it anymore.  (My mom and dad seem really happy about this.)

Enjoy a few pictures from this week.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 3

This week has been pretty horrible.  I have had horrible, painful gas that bothers me so much all I seem to do is fuss and cry.  It gets really bad at night and nothing seems to help.  My mom has changed her diet and eliminated dairy products, we use Mylicon drops and nothing seems to help yet.

But with it being Thanksgiving week, some really exciting things have happened.

1.  My dad was home with me all week long.

2.  I met my Uncle Andrew. (Pictures to come over Christmas...I was in a lot of pain from the gas during our photo shoot)

3.  I went to my Great Aunt Rose's house for Thanksgiving and met most of the Zaruba side of the family.

4.  I also met my Great Aunt Landra and my Great Grandma.